I make pots because I love the process. Functional pots solve problems. A good mug not only holds liquid without spilling, but fits snugly in someone’s hand, communicates with its environment, and shows up each day with consistency and warmth. Exciting new forms introduce problems that I get to solve through research, trial and error, and making lots of templates and tests. One pot informs the next, a constant and circular source of inspiration. Every angle should be considered. I try to incorporate the essence of each finished piece while the pot is still wet. Stamped texture and patterns are highlighted by glaze rather than
superficially imposed on the surface.
Making pottery gives me a chance to slow down and process the day or the work I’m currently engaged in as a graduate student in architecture. Working with my hands grounds me and connects me to the countless individuals who have created art from the earth before me.
Instagram: @studiobdu